Christmas 2008

This was our first Christmas staying at home. It was so fun to spend so much time together as a family and I swear it feels like it was just a few years ago when I was little, waiting at the top of the stairs for the go-ahead to finally go downstairs to the presents. CJ was SO excited. I loved it!

Trey wears his dad's old football wristbands just about every day and when he can't find them, he uses my hair bands. So new wristbands were a hit - he's pointing and telling his dad all about them.

CJ's favorite drink of all time is sparkling cider so he got a stash for Christmas. He said it was the "strangest gift under the tree."

Trey loves his new Wiggles guitar. Yes, he LOVES the Wiggles!

A few days after Christmas we headed down to see our families and as usual, every day was packed with things to do and people to see and we had a great time. CJ and his cousins had a blast sledding.

This is all 13 of them getting towed back to the top of the hill courtesy of Grandpa. They did this for hours!

Then it was back inside for the present exchange.

Nana and Papa gave Toad this awesome little trampoline which I will post about later. Seriously, best gift ever for energetic little boys.

CJ loves to visit his great-grandmas so we spent some time with each of them.

Everytime we leave Utah our car is twice as messy as when we left and jam packed with stuff. This time Grammy sent us home with a box of churros amongst other things. Poor Lucy gets put on top of the pile because that's the only place we ever have room for her.

And when we got home we got another great present. Go Utes!
that pic of Trey with the HUGE smile is delightful-he looks JUST like my little bro, Reed, at that age! Looks like a great time- and we were pulling for your Utes:)
It looks like you guys had a great Christmas! While you were happy to be home I was wishing I wasn't! Your boys are so cute.
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