I'm sad to say that Christmas break is over and today is the first day back home (and to reality). We had a great time in Utah seeing all our family. It was one party after another, no naps, late bedtimes, a case of pink-eye, Trey getting his two front teeth for Christmas (fun times), dinners and lunches with old friends and more. The most memorable thing for me this year was adding Trey to our family, moving to a new state, getting another new baby (Mac) and making a really happy life up here. I'm blessed!

Santa came to our house on the 21st with a letter to CJ letting him know he had to come early because his stuff was too heavy to take to his Nana's house on Christmas Day. He's so smart. Trey got a new bus to keep him busy,

CJ a new train table. He dressed himself before coming downstairs.

We bundled up and loaded into the back of my brother's truck for a drive through the Festival of Lights.

CJ and Anna whom he loves to play with.

The next night we honored my aunt Cindy on her birthday before yet another Christmas party. I used to talk to my aunt every single day via phone and/or IM. I miss her so much, especially every time my kids do/say something funny because she LOVED that stuff. She was TOO young.

The next night was Christmas Eve at my in-laws.

Santa brought more presents and stockings to Nana's and CJ was loving the stocking. It's always been my favorite part of Christmas.

Trey so happy despite not sleeping because of his BLEEDING gums due to the two front Christmas teeth.

CJ's two favorite presents: time with his favorite person ever - Cassidy and

time with his dad. He kept saying how happy he was that daddy didn't have to go out of town.

We spent the rest of the time doing stuff together as a family like bowling, eating, sledding, eating, movies, eating, etc.

Trey took off every second he could finding naughty things to get into. I love it!
That school bus thing is the coolest! Wherever did you find it?
Looks like your "vacation" was as restful as mine has been. I'm actually looking forward to getting home so I can rest. Wait, no I'm not. Well, maybe a little. It'll definitely be nice to have my girls back in their OWN BEDS!
(BTW: I loved your Christmas newsletter. Very funny).
Happy New Year!
Does Toad still do that army crawl? That is about as awesome as Jamison's monkey crawl.
Not one picture of the new bangs? Come on! We'll have to go out to dinner again so I can see them in person. :-)
Rach - the bus was from Costco. They both love it! It's great to be home, but BORING.
Hailey - Call me back! Yes, Toad army crawls and it's so fast that I can't figure out how he does it.
Jensa - Dinner - yes! Let me know when you're ready for an outing!
So at least you didn't cut bangs LIKE Tyra's- Does she really think they look good?!?
Poor Trey but also poor you...ouch!
Looks like a great, busy trip. It was great seeing you for that short time. I'll email you about getting together. Maybe Monday or Wednesday of next week??
Happy New Year!
Fun Times!!!Happy New Year! Looks like Christmas was a BLAST!!! And I want to see the bang-bangs!!!!
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