Thursday, December 20, 2007

We are finally mobile!
My 30th birthday - CJ chose Applebee's

And Chad is such a good dad because on his recent trip back to Duke University to watch basketball games, he took these pictures for his son.


Jenny Slingerland said...

Jaime! I have been reading your blog for about a year now, but I've never said hello. You look fabulous in your 30's. It was devastating for me as well. I swear the crows feet around my eyes quadrupled that day. I'm one old, wrinkly hag. I started a blog finally, I don't have it quite down yet, but you can visit me at I have two whole entries. I hope to get more than the two readers I've got, Haley & Courtney. :) I just wanted to say hi and tell you congrats on making it to 30. I HIGHLY doubt the cellulite and grey hairs!

Kati said...

Happy late birthday...30's aren't too bad once you get going with them. I had a really hard time when I turned 30 too. You look awesome...and that is what matters. You don't look a day over 20! Hope you had a good day...despite the applebees steak. But...what is with your kid never having a steak? Beef him up baby!

Bek said...

You do look great (always).

Glad the Toad is getting mobile and I LOVE that 18 took pictures of the garbage can for CJ. That is awesome!

C. Jane Kendrick said...

I was waiting to see you to wish you my best, but it looks increasingly doubtful. I am in Idaho, you are in Utah. . .

I love you my thirty motherful wifey sweet friend! Happy (late) Birthday!

Kim Allsup said...

I was blogg surfing and ran across yours. I noticed in your family news letter that your brother served in Ok. I found a picture of him in one of your past posts and recognized him....He served in our ward and ate dinner at my house! Will you wish him well from the Allsup's in OK...(we are in the OKC 1st ward)
I love the name of your blog thats why I clicked on it!!