Thursday, January 25, 2007

No baby yet. Just a lot of discomfort and irregular contractions. CJ however, discovered that his ColorWonder finger paints are fun to put in his hair.


Carina said...

Yet another product that will not be making it to our house. I appreciate you testing all this stuff out, it's saved me a lot of work ;)

Fauxhawks rawk.

Lindsey Lee said...

Anything that is greasy, ink-ish, slimey or can count on the little ones to find. Good thing CJ looks awesome with a fo-hawk! Its hard to get mad at them when they look cute, so be careful!

wendysue said...

Hey, maybe he's got something there! Forget the V05 hot oil treatment, try Color wonder!!

(it does look a little like crisco. . .ewww.)

Cool hair though. It's the big brother look.

Bek said...

HEY!! Hailey wrote a comment on Carnia's blog that the little one is here. YAY!!!!!!

Bek said...
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Bek said...

OH, the CJ stuff is so sad but so funny. They all do it. I didn't manage to get the picture of the Desitin all on Jacob, but here is my friend Julie w/ her son that got into the Vaseline... they had to shave his head...

P.S. Lucky for me, I put grease and oil on JJ's hair every day, black hair drinks it up so the Desitin was gone in a few hours... white hair doesn't have that luxury...