7 Years

Salt Lake LDS Temple, 7 years ago
Tomorrow is our anniversary so tonight before the boys went to bed we watched our wedding video with them. I cried because, not only did I have the best wedding day, but my makeup looked horrible because I didn't sleep the night before. I don't know, I think it was because Hailey, who stayed the night with me, kept saying, "What if he doesn't show up? Would you like, totally freak out?" So I ended up with droopy eyes and for some reason, bad eyebrows.

Salt Lake LDS Temple, 7 years ago

I have been "stalking" your blog for quite some time and I think that you are flippin' hilarious! I love the way you look at life! Although my children are not quite as adventurous your boys, I do have "normal" dog and the dog from H-E double hockey sticks! She is a rescue who was supposed to cuddle with my husband after chemo treatments but she is such a spazz & of course has other things on her mind! I hate to say it but thank you for showing me I am not alone! ~Sheri
Okay, do you realize how much you look like Julia Roberts in that first picture. And, I NEVER recall saying "what if he doesn't show up" I think you added that in to raise your blog ratings. har, har, har...
Happy Anniversary to you guys! SO excited we may be making plans to go out to Cali! Here's to another '7' "fruitful" years;)
7 years flies right? Yes your chest looks awesome! Whatever you have always had good eyebrows.
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