Thursday, February 12, 2009


CJ and I made these cupcakes and he made the cute little toppers out of toothpicks and foam stickers. Then we drove them around to friends and called it good for family night. It was a step up from last week's trip to the ER for staples to hold Trey's head together.


Toni Bussell said...

Those are just the cutest cupcakes ever! Thanks for bringing some over. Of course, they were devoured before I could try one. Wayne reports they were delish!

: STEVE : said...

I gotta say, the creators of the Sexy Steve cake topper did an amazingly accurate job.

Hailey Happens said...

at least you have the genes that just allow you to be skinny regardless of what you eat!! But, next time I see you (which is soon, right-- I hear you are flying out here to see me!) I am going to bust out the Pilates moves and tone your already toned butt