Trey is showing me how he
squeeeeeeezed the tube of toothpaste all over my bathroom floor.
CJ's best friend and next-door neighbor moved away. We are all sad. Even worse,
CJ got in trouble on garbage day and lost his garbage
privileges. Meaning, he didn't get to take the garbage/recycling out (I saved him two bags of weeds). After the big
freak out was over he said, "This was the first time EVER I've never taken out the garbage so I want you to know that when I'm a garbage man, I'll NEVER drop my kids off at your house to play and I'll NEVER pick up your trash."
They are all so cute, and I love the expression on Mac's face, like, 'Come on guys, what's the hold up?' They are all so darn precious! We need to find some cute dress up clothes for my brother's wedding- any tips?
Sorry about the best friend moving away. We've been moved for over a month and Gibson still has relapses of "I miss....." moving is hard on everyone!
awesome!! I love the peach fuzz hair on Toad... ;-)
Your boys are getting bigger and more handsom all the time... how is our little Toad's leg doing?
I cant resist sending this to you! I thought of your little one when I saw it ...
Okay, anonymous, that is the COOLEST THING EVER! Thank you - whoever you are! It's already ordered for Christmas!
Bek - Trey's leg is doing great - still a limp but not slowing him down anymore. And by-the-way, I want Grace's cheeks for Christmas.
Ok Cj looks just like your brothers. This is Nancy Sorensen by the way, I found your blog form Syd's. Your boys are so dang cute!!
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