Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Hailey Happens said...

that blows, big time!!!@ Good thing poopy mcpoops is soo cute.

The Wright's said...

At least his little bum is so "stinkin" cute! (No, it really is! And I am referring to baby...) :-)

Kennell's said...

HOW CUTE!!! Look at that tooshy!!! Toad's , not 18's- i'm no perve!!! He is a little slim bean.......Brokklyn is the beefiest of the McBeef-ers!!!

Malissa said...

Isn't is funny how much our gross-o-tolerance goes up when we become moms and have no choice?? :-) Your little guys are so darn cute, I can't believe how big they're getting. We miss you at MOMS Club!

Sydney said...

What are you feeding that kid! Hopefully the worst is over and he learns the squat and poop pretty soon.

Damon said...


That is so sad but at the same time you make it so funny.

Sorry about that.