Monday, February 19, 2007

This Weekend
CJ became a "kitty in a cage like where we get Lucy's dogfood" (Petco),


Carina said...

I love a milk-drunk baby!

I hear you on the natural color thing. I decided a little while ago that I should probably enjoy my regular color while I still have it instead of messing around with it too much.

~j. said...

I love when they get hammered like that.

Same here -- it's too much. Plus, I have my li'l girls who for a while thought that they needed to get their hair "painted" in order to be pretty. No, no. We're going natural here, all around.

Bek said...

I noticed your hair right away. I love the "I feel richer" comment!!

The drunk baby picture is awesome. I loved the post below this one about how Lucy protects her baby. What a great dog. Lauren always had her hands above her head when she slept too. She still does it (it was almost like she was "surrendering" to sleep...) My other two don't do that, but I forgot Lu did it till I saw that picture.

They are adorable....

: STEVE : said...

"Whoa. I am sooooo sloshed right now. Has anybody seen my binkie? This guy, CJ, he's the guy. I love this guy."