Friday, February 16, 2007

Last night Lucy brought her "baby" (his name is Harry the Rabbit) to lie with her and the baby.


Carina said...

She seems happier!

Haley Warner said...

I love the pic of Chad passed out on the bed with CJ and Lucy begging for his attention - such is life.. I relate to Chad in this pic. :) How's baby?

: STEVE : said...

Oh Lucy. Remeber when I took you out to go pee and you hid under the car from me? Those were the days weren't they?

Lindsey Lee said...

Lucy is happy to have a cuddle buddy again. She is protective! Cute. When is the next visit...i really am dying to see the little guy. Maybe in May when the pool opens?

wendysue said...

Clearly, it's not just arms up it's "Touchdown!".

I love it when pets are little protectors. Cute. Our cat used to sleep with us, then when the 1st baby arrived, she moved to the hallway just between our rooms, just to show she was watching out for all of us.