Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"Oh. My. Gosh. I. Can't. Be. Lieve. It."
Is what CJ said when he woke up to find the train table he wanted for Christmas sitting in the living room. Then, with a whisper he said, "Santas reindeer did it. They used their big feet to throw my train table in our house. Whoooaaa."


Lindsey Lee said...

I have NEVER seen a bigger smile than Cj's right here. That is the cutest. Can't wait to see you at Christmas!

Carina said...

Look at that face! A train table?! Are you kidding me? That's the most awesome present ever.

Haley Warner said...

You know you could fit that thing in Chad's new work SUV.. I think you should leave the luggage at home and just take the dang train table with you!

C. Jane Kendrick said...

And suddenly the Christmas spirit has come in my heart.