When that excitement had come and gone, we went back outside to plant some bulbs. CJ was a great help digging and planting and then watering. Boy did he water.
After his nap he came downstairs and declared that his "flowers had growed" while he was asleep and then proceeded to freak out when he realized they hadn't. When asked what would make him feel better he said, "Running errands" (which means he gets a trip to target and the $1.06 popcorn/drink combo at the Target cafe).
Instead, we went to the bank and to FedEx Kinkos to make some copies, whereupon CJ told me he "loves the coffee store!" Then he told me all about riding to the coffee store with Aunt La in Barney's (uncle Brian) car because La's truck (suburban) was broken and La had to make coffees (copies) at the copy store (for PTA, I'm sure).
"Those darn flowers in the ground."
Oh my gosh, hilarious.
Tuesday mornings is garbage time here so El Guille will run into my room and get me out of bed the minute he hears the distant rumbles. Then he sits at the front windows waiting...
Must be a boy thing. My daughter is terrified of the garbage truck.
A dollar six popcorn/drink combo --- never knew so thank you for the info.
We also must have the popcorn/drink combo at Target. At Safeway it is the cup of ice/taster cup of soup combo. :-)
THOSE DARN FLOWERS? That is great. He is getting so big. That is such a great age to add a sibling.....
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