Drew Harrison - 8 pounds, 2 ounces, 21" long

And in return, she had a heart attack. Literally. So I take her to the emergency room and while they're yadaydaing about all the horrible scary stuff she's got to go through to figure out what caused the heart attack, I go into labor.
So as soon as they put my mom out to do an angiogram, I headed upstairs to labor and delivery and sure enough, I was at a five and ready to go! Besides my mom suffering downstairs, the problem was that my doctor only delivers at the downtown hospital and we were at the closer hospital to my house. And hilariously, the cardiologist told me they could transfer my mom once she was stable enough - like we were going to be bedded up next to each other. Wouldn't that have been awesome - her heart could have started firing on all pistons just watching me have contractions!
So, I went home, had a miserable night while we waited for my dad and brother and sister-in-law to arrive and headed to the downtown hospital the next day. I checked in already measuring at a seven and because he was posterior, the sent me walking around the halls. I have no shame - I headed down to the main gift shop (gown and all) to make Chad buy me some penny candy. He told me to do lunges in the hallway and I tried one and about died. Then we laughed, and then we had a baby. And he is beautiful. I wished for a dark-haired baby and I got one - finally! And then my mom and I cried a lot on the phone - she in one hospital bed, I in another, across town. And then we discussed what was good on the room service menu (the peanut butter cookies and that was it).
And, because that wasn't exciting enough, our movers showed up the next day and my poor husband moved us in the midst of TOTAL chaos. I didn't see him again until it was time for me to go home and he had to come pick us up at the hospital. But, because I couldn't do anything else, I thoroughly enjoyed those two days with Drew. There's something I love about being in the hospital because it's the only time it's just me and my baby and no craziness around. I just held him and loved on him the entire time while watching general conference. It was lovely.
And then I came home - to a new (although very lovely) home, it was crazy. We had family here helping with the move, I was totally emotional, couldn't even find the diapers or baby blankets in all the boxes and so I cried. And then my awesome brother Ryan who I know without a doubt was inspired, called me and I was crying and he got on a flight the next day to help us. This is the same brother who had already driven up with my dad and spent the weekend watching our boys and packing the rest of my house. He literally went home from our house and turned around and came back up. I knew he was worn out, but he was so helpful. Isn't family the best?
So, to recap: Mom - heart attack. Me - early labor. Chad - moves our entire house WHILE taking his MBA finals. I leave one night to take my mom to the ER and come home to a new house with a new baby. All within three days.
I had prayed this whole pregnancy that I would be blessed to go into labor when family was here to take care of my boys because when I had Trey, the opposite happened and it was so stressful. So my prayer was definitely answered - we had plenty of family around and going between hospitals! Thankfully, everyone is doing great and my mom is on the mend. They're not sure what caused the heart attack (all tests showed a "pristine" heart and arteries), they suspect a virus attacked the heart.
I'm in love with my three boys and enjoying every minute of the newborn phase. I look at him today and think I'm lucky that I got three extra weeks of him here on this earth (and that he didn't wait until today because the doctor said he would have easily weighed 1o pounds).
Drew is Adorable! I am so glad that you are all doing well. Loved your story, it sounds like it was quite an exciting time for all of you.
Oh congratulations! He is BEAUTIFUL!! What a crazy story you have! I am so glad everything went good, not smooth but good!:) New born baby BOYs are the best ever! Enjoy this stage!! Good luck with everything and seriously just take it a day at a time:)!!! Can't believe the hair he has...love it!
Congrats! And so glad to hear that your Mom is on the mend too...that is WAY too much excitement!
Oh my goodness. Congratulations! What a beautiful boy. So glad you're in your new home, your family is well, and that your mom is healing.
Congratulations he is so cute. That is the craziest story I am so glad that everything turned out okay.
Wow Jamie, what a story and what a beautiful baby boy! Congrats to you all for making it through that very stressful time!
What a crazy time it has been for you, but so glad that everyone is on the mend and that you have a new BEAUTIFUL baby boy! Congrats again! Love ya!
That's nuts! (But he's beautiful.)
I am in love with him and can't wait to see him!!!
Oh, Jamie! Congratulations! He is so, so, so very precious.
And YIKES! Talk about a wild few days for the Pickering/Jacobsen family. I'm so happy to hear everything worked out, but so sorry to hear about all the crazy. I hope life has started to settle and you're all adjusting well!
Jamie he is so so so cute. I am really baby hungry and seeing him did not help at all. Congrats to you, and your sweet baby!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Seriously? You and your mom are amazing. Okay, a little credit to hubby too. Hope you and your mom are well! Wish I were close by to help!
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