Our house has been for sale with the listing set to expire at the end of the month which was fine since we didn't think it would sale in this market and who wants to move at 8-1/2 months pregnant? I joked that as soon as we combined the two boys into a new room and did the nursery, that we would get an offer. And then that exact thing happened. We are super excited about the new house we found, but all the work I put into these two rooms over the last two months makes me want to cry.

You are the DIY Queen!!!
I'm sure we have an old Nebraska license plate we could send CJ's way. . .interested?
Love the room. . .and the bottle caps too!
That room is awesome! I'm impressed with your skillz anyway, but at 8 months pregnant? HELLO! You are amazing! Jamie=Supermom.
so cute!! next time you're down could you redo my kids bedrooms! after 4 1/2 years here we REALLY need to do some fixing up! you are SO talented!!
You need your own TV show on HGTV!
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