Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trey - 8 months old. If you make eye contact, you'll be rewarded with this smile. Even though he is still up 3-4 times a night to nurse, he's worth it!


Carina said...

But how can you say no? HOLY COW he's so cute.

Kennell's said...

LOVE IT!!! Jaimers- you poor thing!!! Brookie gets up only once , but Holy Moley she is as big as Toad- where is she storing this?!?!? Coop used to get up EVERY 2 HOURS!!!to eat and he was soooo tiny- amazing how kids are so different! It definitely must be the man & boob thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi-I just found your site and had to comment. I have a 7 month old and he is also at "the all night buffet" all.night.long.too. I agree, it HAS to be a man/boob thing.

Ash and Becky said...

Xander was the same way! It was open bar all night long! That is why he stayed in our bed so long...I needed my sleep! He was always a marathon breast feeder too. My sister who has a boy and a girl said that her boy was the same way but her daughter was a quick eater. I think boys must like boobs from the very beginning!

Hailey Happens said...

time to cut the cord Jaim, no need to be eating 4 times a night. Although, I still give Jamison a bottle at 5 in the moring. SUckers!!

Kati said...

Ahhhhhh...he is just too cute! My oldest was like this too. He couldn't get enough...and he was HUGE!!!!! It's over before you know it. I loved nursing...and right now I feel a little sad that I will never do it again....

WELL...that feeling has passed. Good Luck and enjoy it for now.

Lindsey Lee said...

Holy smokes, SO cute! HE is looking like CJ more and more.

Rachel said...

That is one cute little boy!
I TOTALLY feel your pain. Lily didn't sleep through the night (even once) 'til she was 100% weaned. I don't expect anything different from Abby.
The things we do for our kids!

Sydney said...

My pediatrician with Gibson told me something that saved my sanity! She said that after 4 months and over 14 lbs there is no reason your baby can't sleep through the night. So we let Gibson and Easton cry and they both have been sleeping through the night since they were 5 months! So, best of luck to you.

He is a cutie.

~j. said...
