I've said before that kids make holidays so much more fun, and I believe the same to be true for summer vacation. I just love the long days of hanging out and doing fun things together. Growing up, I LOVED being with my cousins and now that we are grown, its so fun to get together and let our kids play together. I think relationships with cousins and grandparents are one of the best gifts you can give your kids and I feel so blessed that my boys have plenty of those to go around!

My mom's snow cone machine is a hit with all the kids.

Golf cart rides with cousins.

My boys with their great-grandma Thatcher


Blessed afternoon naps

Learning to ride the big two-wheeler

My mom puts this little kiddie pool by the side of her real pool. One inch of water and it's a hit with Drew.

Summer peaches!

Drew with his great-grandma Sheila

My mom with all of her grandkids

Backyard basketball with Nana

Fun with cousins. So very much fun!

I am the oldest granddaughter on my mom's side, and the youngest on my dad's. With big age differences in each case. I never had cousins to play with, only to babysit or be babysat by. I agree 100%... cousins to play with and grandparents they adore (and who adore them) are among my children's greatest blessings. Now I just have to figure out how to get us all a little more geographically convenient.
I love all your angles that you captured with each picture and your editing is divine.
You remind me that I need to get out my camera with the boys and their cousins. We see many of them each week and I've yet to photograph them playing. Thanks for the reminder Jamie!
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