February was a blur...
Trey decided he needs to wear these glasses from Urban Outfitters every day. Everywhere, every day.
CJ turned seven. 7!! He was so sweet asking to do something with the family instead of having a birthday party and even chose a homemade chocolate sheet cake over a Star Wars cake from the bakery.

"Guido" as we call him, started solids and no, it has not helped him sleep through the night. At all. Good thing he's so cute!
CJ lost both front teeth and it was not at all without drama and lots of tears.
Drew was taken to the ER and then admitted with RSV. I snapped this pic with my phone because I love his little eyes just taking it all in.

CJ had to switch schools to secure his spot in our neighborhood school for next year. I was nervous to have him start and have it all so new, but he loves it and we love that he doesn't have such a long commute. The school is literally around the corner from our house and he has so many new friends that live right by us. I feel so, so blessed to be in this new neighborhood and ward where the boys have so many new friends and the families are so fun and welcoming. I knew we were supposed to move here and at times I was so impatient, but now I know it was because we were supposed to move to this exact house and it all worked out so great. I really just feel so happy and thankful every day for my sweet family, their health and all of my many, many blessings.

Love that you have such easy chill boys! That cracks me up that they use the dogs as their targets! I feel your pain about your baby and rice cereal NOT helping them sleep through the night! I swear they just have to reach age one! It really is a good thing they are so cute, and your baby is so stinkin cute!
Hey Now...don't discount your loyal cousin who follows your blog too sweetums!! Love your little boys and love that you LOVE your new neighborhood...send some of that love my way, i haven't met a single soul in my neighborhood in vegas. lame right? Ill get there someday im sure :) I think a girls weekend in St George needs to happen soon!
you can count 3 people reading now- me! haha. Can't wait to see the boys in person
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