Tonight we had a Trunk-or-Treat at the church. CJ wore the costume he made me order back in September - a Zombie Prisoner. Trey was supposed to wear whatever costume CJ had worn at his age, but Trey is taller and the lion costume wouldn't zip up without choking him. So, with minutes to spare, we threw together a garbage man costume and he couldn't have been happier. A costume parade, trunk-or-treating and then homemade scones and cider finished it off. CJ said he had "BEYOND a blast." I don't think all the little toddlers that cried because CJ was too scary felt the same but, according to him, "that's the idea."

how cute is treys face, he is so happy to be a garbage man. And as for cj's face pretty scary, he is cute to even when he is trying to be scary. Looks like you all had fun. Love Aunt Peggers.
how did CJ even learn about a zombie prisoner? I can understand why kids were scared. If you keep it up with these awesome costumes, you're going to have to start in June to out do yourself. We underachieve every year and so far it's worked:)
Love the make-shift garbage man costume! Gotta love trunk-or-treat, double the candy in half the time!
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