Of course nothing...

...could top the tour of Allied Waste, but CJ's birthday celebration continued into the next day with a bowling trip with his best friend Jacob.

The next day was Sunday and CJ's official birthday. He told me what he wanted on his cake and I delivered.

CJ with all the birthday loot.

And finally, two days later he got the birthday spotlight at school where he got to show baby pictures of himself and one of him in the garbage truck while explaining that his favorite thing to do is "go to the gas station for chips and a drink with my dad."
ohhhhhhhhh,.... CJ........., Happy Birthday again buddy! You are about the cutest, most intelligent and photogenic child I have ever seen!! Glad you had a great Birthday, and please tell your mother that she ain't seen pale yet!!!!
Oh, and is his teacher holding a sippy cup as a microphone? That thing is HUGE!!!!
Tell me you didn't make that cake? If you did, you better start forking over some ideas for beans cake.
His cake is soooo cute. I get a kick out of your little guy. I love it when you post about him.
Hailers, of course I made the cake - do you think Albertson's can bust out a recycle cake? If Beans likes garbage I have lots of ideas!
Happy Birthday CJ! What a fun birthday celebration!
Jamie, the first picture of you looks like you cut your hair in an adorable bob...you totally should do it, I think you'd be Katie-esque!
Happy Birthday to the world's smallest hero.
(Love the pic with the crown.)
Tell me about your testimony of spray on tans because when I tried it, I swore up and down it was the worst experience and I'd never do it again. AND You are talented as well as CJ. :)
I love that you have a testimony of spray tans. I'm totally including that on fast sundays.
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