Lately CJ has been saying, "Mommy, I'm so busy" when he really means he's tired. Easy to be confused as his time living with my parents right now is filled with more attention, activities and throwing things in the trash (perfectly good board games, dish towels and toy cars keep finding themselves in those tempting trash cans outside) than his former life in the big city offered. A few examples:

a few comments of mine include: impressed that cj's shirt is tucked in.
2.i would DIE to have it snow where i am at right now. i am sooo sick of sunshine and blue skies every freakin morning.
and that is all the comments i have. keep up the good work.
We still let El Guille go outside this weekend. He kept wanting one of us to go out too, "No, it's too cold," we said. So he stayed outside with a bright red nose and pink cheeks, refusing to come inside. Fine by me!
I nearly turned on the heat, it's been chilly! But I refuse to turn on the heat until at LEAST October.
What is it with little boys and diets that contain mostly chocolate chip cookies?
I love what you had to say but must confess that I think your parents are absolutely gorgeous! Very pretty family altogether!
I am so busy that I HAD to turn on the heat this weekend.
That is how busy I am!
See you in the Gem State real soon!
mc,p....I linked to this from cjane's. Is yo brother an electrician? If I'm right, he did our house. My husband grew up with both yours and your husbands families. I enjoy your blog!
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