Loving Wife. Nervous Mother. Dog Walker. Online Shopper. Football Fan. Candy Consumer. Nap Wanter. Sushi Eater. Phone Talker. Shoe Lover. Exercise Hater. Fun Seeker. Boring Blogger.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Another busy day...
Playing the piano with Great-Grandma Sheila (or "Freela")... Discovering Freela's multiple trash cans outside her pottery studio...Watching me pose with my sister-in-law who's due any day. I'm 1/2 way there and very jealous.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I'm so busy...
Lately CJ has been saying, "Mommy, I'm so busy" when he really means he's tired. Easy to be confused as his time living with my parents right now is filled with more attention, activities and throwing things in the trash (perfectly good board games, dish towels and toy cars keep finding themselves in those tempting trash cans outside) than his former life in the big city offered. A few examples: Chad's parents live up the street from my parents. This means one grandma in the car with us to run errands almost always. Grammy + car ride + chocolate chip cookies = fun time USA. My parents have several garden hoses which he's found a new obsession about. He's very BUSY. Still very BUSY. Living with Nana and Papa means weekly trips to La Casita Living down here also afforded me the opportunity to babysit my nephews and niece for the weekend while CJ's babysitter went out of town. He's spoiled by his cousins = hence the bowl of cereal AND the Taquito (or "Paquito" as he calls them) for breakfast. Cousin Josh is a very good cook and lets CJ participate. Notice the flour all over his legs. He's so busy. More attention from his favorite family ever.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
CJ played in uncle Scott's 1969 VW bus for over an hour. Then he made me take him for a ride. Our sleepover at Grammy's and Grandpas. Speaking of Lucy, this is her favorite friend, Tucker dog. Oh yeah, and we found out we're having another BOY. And the ultrasound showed super long femur bones and huge hands. We're very excited to have another boy! He looked great as far as we could tell and I was super excited to have the technician tell me how big he is measuring for his age so far. "Not big enough to move the due-date up, he's just measuring very, very long."