CJ made me cry two times the other day, each episode a mere 10 minutes a part, occurring at bedtime.

So then, ten minutes later, we say prayers. CJ says, and I quote, "Heavenly Father, where are all my friends? I live too far away from school and I'm lonely. I ask for a friend who will answer their phone and play with me." And then.... his little voice cracked and he finished with a heart-wrenching, "I just love to play. Please help me move close to some really fun friends."
His best friend that used to live next door moved. He absolutely loves his preschool class and has lots of friends which have generated invites to lots of fun birthday parties. As for every-day play, they live too far away. We live on the lamest street in America, I'm convinced. Our house has been on the market for a while, we have a new lot picked out in a huge development that's anchored by a brand-new elementary school, high school and middle school. And - it's right next to his new preschool and most of the kids in his class. I have even stalked it in the afternoon, you know, after school when all the kids are walking home. Almost every open garage door revealed bikes, trikes, scooters, Power Wheels and the likes. And, at Halloween, the houses were decorated! For kids!
So we wait. And wait. And wait. Not an ideal time to sell a house, but we're willing to try if it means finally putting down our roots in a community and ward that we love.
I insist that the Lord is ever mindful of our needs, and, if we are blessed enough to move, then it will eventually work out. If not, well, then we'll find a way to be happy here. We have a lot to be thankful for. Recently our ward got split and we are now in a huge new ward, so maybe there will be lots of little Sunbeam boys?
We'll see. But for now I'll be happy with the fact that my little one understands that he can ask his Heavenly Father for things he feels he needs and the beauty is watching it all unfold. Even if waiting takes all the patience I can muster...