Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
We had a great 4th of July weekend with my inlaws in town. The boys got to golf and fish and my father-in-law did some major improvements to our house and yard. I love that he shows up with his tools and just gets to work (building a grid for my out of control blackberry bushes, fixing a broken sink, toy box and dresser, installing a ceiling fan, etc). Chad whipped up some amazing ribs, salmon and trout and I was able to get the boys new bedroom put together. CJ hosted a fireworks show. Love the 4th of July weekend!
Monday, September 12, 2011
I love this kid. Because he's in the middle and such an easy-going kid, I'm trying to be extra conscientious in giving him enough attention. His older brother has a lot going on with school and sports and his little brother is in total destroyer mode so it's hard to focus on anything other than what he's about to wreck, break, slam, etc. And then there's my sweet Trey, just content to play with his matchbox cars or listen to his iPod for hours. He's showing a bit of four year-old independence and sassyness and when he gets in trouble he just cries and says, "Don't be mad at me!" He never wants to go anywhere and would hang out with me and drink chocolate milk all day if I let him.

Baby brother's mission in life right now is to annoy Trey whenever possible and scream for whatever item is currently in Trey's hand. So we have this system where Trey picks up a matchbox car or a toy that he really doesn't care about, then pretends to be having the best time of his life while playing with it, which is Drew's cue to bust on over there and rip it out of his hands and shriek super loud. And then Trey commences play with the car/toy that he really cares about while baby brother thinks he's victorious. This goes on about every 10 minutes. Trey is so patient. I'm not.

And then there is school. He loves it once he is there, but he hates getting ready and having to go. He says, "I will be grounded from my friends, just let me stay home with you." He told me the other day he "wanted to stay home and be cozy with me." This is how excited he was to go on the first day.

And then there is church. Same scenerio. Here is how excited he was to be chosen as the "reverent leader" whereupon he got to fold his arms up on the stand as the congregation gathered for sacrament meeting.

I always say this, but sometimes I wish I could freeze my kids at their age right now (except for the destroyer, we need a few more years on him). I just love my four year-old!

Baby brother's mission in life right now is to annoy Trey whenever possible and scream for whatever item is currently in Trey's hand. So we have this system where Trey picks up a matchbox car or a toy that he really doesn't care about, then pretends to be having the best time of his life while playing with it, which is Drew's cue to bust on over there and rip it out of his hands and shriek super loud. And then Trey commences play with the car/toy that he really cares about while baby brother thinks he's victorious. This goes on about every 10 minutes. Trey is so patient. I'm not.

And then there is school. He loves it once he is there, but he hates getting ready and having to go. He says, "I will be grounded from my friends, just let me stay home with you." He told me the other day he "wanted to stay home and be cozy with me." This is how excited he was to go on the first day.

And then there is church. Same scenerio. Here is how excited he was to be chosen as the "reverent leader" whereupon he got to fold his arms up on the stand as the congregation gathered for sacrament meeting.

I always say this, but sometimes I wish I could freeze my kids at their age right now (except for the destroyer, we need a few more years on him). I just love my four year-old!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
We just got back from our annual summer getaway to The Shore Lodge in McCall, which I liken to a little slice of heaven on earth. We request the same room every year, which opens up to a little private beach area and is just steps away from the pool, hot tub and water trampoline. The day before we leave I take the boys to the grocery store and let them load up on whatever junk food they want. Next year I'm demanding at least three more days tacked on - it went by way too fast. Vacations together are one thing I look forward to doing more of as the boys get older. They have so much fun together and I think they need a break from the everyday just as much as I do!

This year my inlaws came with us and helped a ton with the baby and taking the boys for rides on the wave runner. Until next year!
Monday, August 08, 2011
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
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